Purple  Climbing Rose Jumbo
Purple Climbing Rose Jumbo Original price was: $69.99.Current price is: $57.89.
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Purple  Climbing Rose Jumbo
Purple Climbing Rose Jumbo Original price was: $69.99.Current price is: $57.89.

Forever & Ever Pink Rose – Pink Shrub Roses

Original price was: $39.99.Current price is: $28.89.


We’ve got a secret, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Imagine yourself having one of the best, most floriferous pink rose plants available for rose lovers and collectors everywhere. In the Spring of 2020, this newly planted variety awed and amazed us as it continued to produce wave after wave of delightful flowers. This show-stopping performance continued throughout the summer and well into fall. In fact, renowned rose breeder Christian Bedard commented that “This cultivar is the most continuous flowering pink rose that I have seen in my career!” Cascading across glossy green foliage, each flowerhead is made of 5-7 rose petals that arrive as deep pink buds, with a lovely ombre effect, fading to soft yellow at the center. As the rose plant matures, the color pales to become a lovely pastel pink. Each flower on this tidy pink rose shrub emits a tea-like scent that will enchant gardeners and guests alike–and they aren’t the only ones who will stop to smell these roses. Pollinators adore these pink roses too. Rosa ‘WEKneflosprif’ Botanical Name:Rosa cv. ‘WEKneflosprif’
Sun Exposure:Full Sun, Partial Shade
Height/Habit:20 – 30 inches
Spread:24 – 36 inches
Spacing:24 – 36 inches
Hardiness Zone:5-9
Flowering Date:Late spring to fall
Planting Instructions:Plant in the soil so the crown of the plant is even with the soil level. Don’t bury the crown. Full sun is best for quicker flowering and higher quality plants.
Winter Care:In harsh climates, fully cover the plant to protect from frost and wind damage. Remove the cover after the danger of frost has passed.
Shipped:3 GALLON POT
Growth Rate:Moderate once established.
Shipping Season:Fall
Flower Color:Yellow, Pink
Flower Form:Decorative and single. 5-7 petals on 1.5-2″ blooms, large clusters
Foliage Type:Glossy medium green
Pruning:Prune to maintain shape and increase branching once established. Remove any dead or damaged branches after flowering.
Soil Requirement:Well drained, humus enriched soil
Watering Requirement:Provide a slow, deep soaking with each irrigation. Sandy soils require more watering than clay soils. Hot temperatures should prompt more frequent irrigation. Only wet the foliage in very early morning hours.
Restricted States:AE AK AZ CA GU HI ID MT NV OR PR UT WA

Additional information
Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 cm

Shipping Time
Shipping is an additional 15-35 business days depending on location. Shipping time will be provided at checkout.

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