Purple  Climbing Rose Jumbo
Purple Climbing Rose Jumbo Original price was: $69.99.Current price is: $57.89.
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Purple  Climbing Rose Jumbo
Purple Climbing Rose Jumbo Original price was: $69.99.Current price is: $57.89.

Stormy Weather Climbing Rose – Roses



Finally, a climbing rose that exhibits good cold hardiness, giving gardeners years of reliable blooms from one plant. And what pretty blooms they are! Dusky purple-magenta petals feature a creamy white reverse for a rich, unique look that can be seen even from a distance. Its deep green foliage is the perfect backdrop for such vibrant colors, enhanced further by its clustering habit and double flower form. Plant amid bright yellows, oranges and pinks for a bold, colorful display along a fence, arbor or garden wall. Stormy Weather is a prolific bloomer, giving you plenty of roses to use in fresh floral arrangements and bouquets. Plus, it boasts good disease resistance for worry-free enjoyment from spring to fall. Bred by Pierre Orard. Rosa cv. ‘ORAfantanov’ PP23158Botanical Name:Rosa cv. ‘ORAfantanov’, Pat. #23,158
Sun Exposure:Full Sun, Partial Shade
Height/Habit:8 – 10 feet
Spread:36 – 48 inches
Spacing:36 – 48 inches
Hardiness Zone:4-10
Flowering Date:Late spring to fall
Planting Instructions:Set at the same level it is growing at in the container. Firm soil and water thoroughly. Full sun is recommended for quicker flowering and higher quality plants.
Winter Care:Mulch heavily around the base of the plant. Remove promptly in early spring.
Shipped:3 GALLON POT
Growth Rate:Moderate once established.
Shipping Season:Fall
Flower Color:Purple
Flower Form:Clusters of medium, double flowers.
Foliage Type:Grey-green foliage.
Pruning:Prune to maintain shape and increase branching once established. Remove any dead or damaged branches. After flowering.
Soil Requirement:Well-drained, humus enriched soil.
Additional Information:Roses prefer a thorough watering but do not like ‘wet feet’. Water early in the day to avoid wet conditions into the night which can cause issues with fungus and disease.

Additional information
Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 cm

Shipping Time
Shipping is an additional 15-35 business days depending on location. Shipping time will be provided at checkout.

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